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to learn how better to market your business

Social Networking

It takes so much time - Social Networking. What is Marketing? Its building relationships with people. The beauty of social networks is each person is building his or her own spear of influence. When these spears of influence connection you can have contact with thousands to millions of people. Once the relationship is built, then you can suggest solutions to their problems (selling).

But social networking you can't sell. Yes, that is true. Here is the angle. You develop a community. Be yourself. Your hobbies, interest, and things you are an expert in (back door for your business).

Look for problems of the social net workers have and give them solutions. The Question is how do you do that? Tell them about your business web site or a landing page (better) that has a solution to their problem. Once they are on your web site - now it's OK to sell.

Want more information. Join our site!

Rex M. Tubbs, CRM
Engraving Connection
1205 S. Main St.
Plymouth, MI 48170







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