What am I talking about? We have these wonderful web pages. We have these wonderful display ads - post cards - sales letters - etc. The problem is we never make an offer for the customer to buy. Why do we do this? Do we think we will be too pushy? Oh yes, this is a branding ad. Well, that is Ok for the big box stores. The truth is we better make an offer and ask for the sale. How else can we make money?
The field of dreams movie is exactly the wrong thing to do. Build it and they will come. No! you find a hungry heard. You come up with the right message and offer and you press for a sale. This is not for the timid. This is for you to make a good living. Want to learn more - join this web site.
Rex M. Tubbs, CRM
Engraving Connection
1205 S. Main St.
Plymouth, MI 48170